Friday, August 8, 2014



raag: kaapi

taaL: aadi

22 kharaharapriya janya
ArOhaNam: S R2 M1 P N2 S
avarOhaNam: S N1 D2 N1 P M1 G1 R2 S 

Bhashanga Raga : N  (also G [MGM], D[PDPMGRSR]  in prayogas)

Composer: Puranadaradasa

jagadOddhAraNa ADisidaLeyashOda


jagadOddhAraNa maganendu tiLiyuta

magugaLa mANikyana ADisidaLayashOda


nigamakE silukada agaNita mahimana

suguNAntaranganA AdisidaLayashOda 


aNOraNIyana mahatO mahIyana

apramEyana ADisidaLayashOda


paramapuruSana paravAsudEvana

purandara vittalana ADisidaLayashOda 




Yashoda played with the Savior of the world.
Thinking that the Savior of the world was her son, Yashoda played with embodiment of all great qualities.
The one whose greatness is infinite and beyond measure, Yashoda played with the gem amongst children.
The one who is smaller than the atom and bigger than infinity, Yashoda played with him.
The one who is the supreme being, son of Vasudeva, the Vitthala of Purandara, Yashoda played with him.


v  vAsudEva and vAsu are other names for Vishnu, whose usage predates the birth of vAsudEva Krishna.
v  B.S. Rajaiyengar is credited with the first known recording of the song in Kapi.
v M.S. Subbulakshmi's recital of the song at the United Nations is probably its best-known rendition.



Wednesday, August 6, 2014



raag: bhairavi
taal: khandajathi ata

Natabhairavi - 20
ArOhaNam: S G1 R2 G1 M1 P D2 N1 S || S G R G M P D N S ||
S N1 D1 P M1 G1 R2 S || S N D P M G R S ||

Composer: Pacchimiriyam Adiyappa

Viriboni ninne kori 
marulu konnadira

Sarasudou Dakshina dwaraka 
Sami Sree Rajagopala deva

Mukthayi Swaras
G G R S      R S n n      d n S R || m m p p     d d n n      p p p - d       d d - n n      n - S S R ||

p d n S        R G M P || D P - M D      P , - N N ||

D D - D P   P M - N D    N - P D N   M P D N   S R N D || M G R S     R S R    R G , M     P D - M P     , - D N S ||

N R , S       N D - S , || , N D P      P , , M ||

G R - S ,       , - R N D ||

Chiru navvu momuna

M P G , , - R     , S - n ,      , d , p       m , , - p     d , n S || n R , - n     S R G M   G M , - N    N D D - N     N D D N ||

M P M - M       , G R G || N N D D       , M - M  , ||

G R S - n      S , R G ||


S N N S D N D D M N      D P M ,      , - D P M || G R , - G     , M P D      M P , D      P D N D     N S R S ||

G R - N      , D P D || M P , M     G R S R ||

n d , - n     S G R G ||


S , R G     S R G ,       R , , ,         n , S R         n S R , || S , , - R      n , n d       G , , R       , S - n ,        , d , n ||

p , , - d        , n S R || p d n S       R , , , ||

d p G R     , R - n S       R S , S     M G , R     P M , G || R G , - M      P D P M     N N D - D   , N D D    P - P , M ||

G R , - G       , M  P D || M P G M      P , , , ||

n S n - G    R M G - P    M D P - N    D N P D  M P - G R || G M P - M    P D N S   N S N G     R G - N S    N R S R ||

R S N       D P D - M || P D N N       S , - N N ||

S S R R   G G - M G   G R - M G   R S - N G   R S - N R || N D P    D N      M M P P    D D N N    S G R  - N ||

, D - R S     N , - D N || D - D N D     D M - M , ||

G R S - n      S , R G ||


English verse:

[This] blooming damsel, yearning for only you, 
is in love.

O handsome lord of the Southern Dwarka,
Sri Rajagopala deva!

With a smiling face...



v  The composer of the Bhairavi Ata Tala Varnam is Pachchimiriyam Adiyappayya who lived in the 18th century.He is the guru of Syama Sasthry, one of the trinities of the Carnatic Music. Adiyappayya is well known for contributing the musical form Tana Varna. For this reason, he is known as the “Tana Varna Margadarsi”. He was also a great Vainika.

Though Adiyappayya has composed many krithis and varnams, his varnam in Bhairavi raga “Viriboni”, set to Khanda Jathi Ata Talam, the first of its kind, remains unsurpassed.

v  The town Mannargudi in Tamilnadu is referred to as Dakshina Dwaraka in Sanskrit. Its presiding deity is Krishna in the form of Rajagopala.

v  momu is the derivative (tadbhava) form of  the Sanskrit mukha. mukhamu » mohamu » momu.

v  M.S. Subbulakshmi's redering of Viribhoni is considered the masterpiece in the Music Recording World.



Monday, August 4, 2014

nagumOmu ganalEni

nagumOmu ganalEni

raag: abhEri
taaL: aadi

22 karaharapriya janya
ArOhaNam: S G2 M1 P N2 S
avarOhaNam: S N2 D2 P M1 G2 R2 S

Composer: Tyaagaraaja

nagumOmu ganalEni nAjAli telisi
nanu brOvaga rAdA shrI raghuvara nI

nagarAjadhara nIdu paraivAra lella
ogibOdhana jEsE vAralu gArE yiTu luNDudure

khagarAju nI yAnati vini vEga chanalEdO
gaganAni kilaku bahu dUrambaninAdo
jagamEle paramAtma evaritO moraliDudu
vaga jUpaku tALanu nannElukOra
tyAgarAjanuta nI



O Rama! Supreme among Raghus! Missing your charming smile-lit face I languish here. Knowing my mental plight, can't you come and protect me ?

O One who holds Govardhana hill! Members of your retinue who have the duty of reminding you of your daily engagements cannot fail in their duty. 

Does not Garuda execute your commands expeditiously ? Could he have excused himself saying that he was staying far from the earth in Vaikunta, your heavenly abode ? Exalted Lord! Ruler of the Universe! Whom else can I appeal to ? Please shun disregard. I cant bear it. Take me into your fold.


Saturday, August 2, 2014

maatE malayadwaja

maatE malayadwaja (daru varNam)

raag: kamas
taaL: aadi

28 harikaambhOji janya
ArOhaNam: S M1 G3 M1 P D2 N2 S
avarOhaNam: S N2 D2 P M1 G3 R2 S

Composer: HarikEshanallur Mutayyaa Bhaagavatar

mAtE malayadwaja pANDya samjATE mAtanga vadana guha

shAtOdhari shankari chAmuNDEshvari chandrakalAdhari tAyE gaurI


thAmthAm thakajoNu dadanida dimithika | dAdA kukuthari thajaNutha dapamama ||
dAdA nigarini risadhimi tharikita | jamjam thakitatha kukuthari Namthari || 
dAthathin ginathari jEkumada nithaka | Namthasa sathimitha thomthadi mithakita || 
dAdapa dAdatha rEkusa dArijam | magari sanidA nisanini dadapama ||

dAtA sakala kalA nipuNa chatura 
dAtA vividha matha samaya samarasa 
dAtA sulabha hrdaya madhura vachana
dAtA sarasa ruchiratara svara laya
gIta sukhada nija bhAva rasika vara 
dAtA mahishUra nAda nAlvaTi shrI kriShNa rAjEndrara tAyE
sadA pore mahite harikEsha manOharE sadayE

shyAmE sakala bhuvana sArvabhaumE shashi maNDala madyagE 

ma, ma pani dada papa magamapa ma ma nida masani dapa da

nidanida dapapama papa nidapama gapama nidama sanidapa manida

sa sa sa nidanisa nidapa magamapa mamama samagama pasanida ni
nidani padani mapadani gamapadani samagama padani samagari sasanida pada

gani magamadani sama nigama sanima nidaga nigari dada rini sadani pada samagama nida nidamaga




O Mother! You are the daughter of the Pandya king Malayadhwaja,
You are the lady with the face glowing green.

O Mother! You have the beauty of the moon.

You have the great expertise in all the arts,
You allow equal rights to all the creeds,
You are soft and sweet spoken,
You express affection in music and rhythm,
You inspire us with your beautiful and expressive song,
You have gained fame for killing the demon, Mahishasura,
You protect and care for Sri Krishna Rajendra, the Maharaja of Mysore,
Even pray to Siva and the mother Parvati.

Mother! You glow with the blue colour,
You care for the whole world,
You glow like a full moon.



"Maate Malayadhwaja" is a prayer to the Hindu goddess Madurai Meenakshy Devi.